

About Me

I’m a senior VFX veteran with nearly 20 years of experience at best-in class shops. My specialties include leading projects, high end compositing, direct client sessions, on set supervision, and finishing. My projects are consistently organized and run efficiently to maximize cost savings.

I take pride in building teams. I’ve mentored and trained Flame artists from the ground up, creating homegrown powerhouses.

Lastly, I bring a level of personality. Clients have fun in my sessions. We joke and laugh and remember why we got into this industry. The result: maximum client satisfaction and repeat business.


  • Mr Wolf
    • Creative Director | Head of Commercial VFX (staff)
    • Aug 2021 – current
  • Harbor Picture Company
    • Head of Commercial VFX L.A. (staff)
    • July 2020 – July 2021 (1 year)
  • ArsenalCreative
    • Flame Lead | Senior Flame Artist (staff)
    • Jan 2013 – June 2020 (7 years)
  • Mirada Studios
    • Senior Flame Artist (staff)
    • 2005 – 2012 (8 years)
  • 1.1 VFX (now Mr Wolf)
    • Flame Artist (staff)
    • 2006 – 2011 (6 years)
  • Motion Theory
    • Flame Artist / Shake Artist (staff)
    • 2005 – 2012 (8 years)

Primary Skills

Flame Compositing & Finishing | VFX Supervision

  • Autodesk Flame (15+ years)
  • High end compositing (live action / cg)
  • Leading projects start to finish
  • Overseeing teams of artists (comp / cg / roto)
  • Direct client sessions
  • Finishing
  • On set VFX supervision
  • Bidding
  • Conform
  • Layoff
  • Matte painting
  • 3D compositing

Secondary Skills


  • SynthEyes
  • Mocha Pro
  • Boujou

Compositing / Editing / Roto

  • Shake, After Effects
  • Premiere, Final Cut Pro
  • Silhouette


  • Stable Diffusion
    • ComfyUI
    • Automatic1111
  • Topaz

Programming / Languages

  • Python
  • Linux shell scripting (bash)
  • Custom visual effects via programming
  • Interactive installations

Computer Hardware / Operating Systems

  • Linux / MacOS / Windows
  • System administration
  • Building / networking / troubleshooting

Print / Web Design

  • Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
  • WordPress, Dreamweaver


  • University of California, Los Angeles
    • BA, Design | Media Arts
    • 2000-2005